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No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.

We are a people of radical inclusion and God's extravagant welcome.



Sunday Worship:

In Person:

9 & 11am

Live Stream



Communion offered on 1st and 3rd Sundays 

Sunday School is offered for all grades from 10-11am




2200 Southwood Drive

College Station, TX 77845


Office Hours: Monday - Friday

9:00 am - 3:00 pm



(979) 693-7021

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Proud to be an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ

In order to truly share God's extravagant welcome with all, we must be open and accepting to all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.


We must also strive to make our worship services and fellowship accessible to all people of all abilities.


Our church is proud to be Open and Affirming, Accessible to All, an Earth Stewardship Congregation, and a Reproductive Freedom Congregation. To learn more about what that means to us, click here.

Friends Church Angel Tree

Angel tree presents have been delivered to the Child Protective Services office.  Thank you! Thank you! To the 56 families from Friends who said “Yes” to sponsoring one or more child from the Angel Tree. It is almost magical how it all comes together to bring happiness to these 65 children. The staff from CPS greeted us at the door saying, “we know that we can always count on your church!”  And with that I certainly agree. If you are still interested in helping others in our community, we are accepting gas and food gift cards in the boxes under the trees in the narthex or you may give to Michael, our administrative assistant, during office hours.   Our ministers distribute these cards to families in need from our community.

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