This is home. All are welcome.

An Open and Affirming Congregation
We, as a diverse body of believers seeking to live in the light and image of God in Christ affirm:
that every person has worth as a special and unique creation made in God's image;:
that in the Spirit of love and openness we welcome into this community of faith persons of every sexual orientation, race, nationality, ability, age and gender to participate in all aspects of our church's life and ministry;
that as agents of reconciliation and wholeness we will continue our efforts toward inclusiveness, embrace all who are disenfranchised from the religious community, and stand against all forms of discrimination;
that in light of the Gospel we will empower ourselves, our children, and one another to be fully present in the world, living in Christ's image.
** Adopted at Congregational Meeting June 26, 1996 **

An Accessible to All Congregation
It is important to us that everyone has access to our building, our worship services and our other programs and activities.
We currently have:
An accessible entrance and individual choice of a seating location in the sanctuary for those who use wheelchairs
Large print worship bulletins including music
Large print Bibles
Assistive hearing devices
Comfortable seating in the narthex with audio access to the service for those who may need to have a private place to worship
If what you would need to become a part of our congregation is not listed please contact us at and let us know how we can best welcome you to our faith community.
An Earth Stewardship Congregation
We, the members of Friends Congregational Church, understand that we are part of God's Creation. As human beings, we see God's charge of our dominion over the whole of Creation as a call to stewardship that is founded on nurture and care. As people made in the image of our Creator, we affirm that we are God's co-creators on this gift of the earth, and that we have a shared mission to respect and maintain the inherent value of the natural world.
We acknowledge the living interconnection of all creatures, and we believe that caring for our neighbors and caring for ourselves is to care for our environment.
We commit to raising awareness of our impacts on creatures, species, ecosystems, and, indeed, the earth itself. In the face of global challenges, we strive toward harmony and peace. In all of our decisions, large and small, we shall be mindful of God's vast creation.
** Adopted at Congregational Meeting June 22, 2008 **

A Verified Clear Congregation
The goal of Church Clarity is to create a consistent standard of clarity for how church policy should be communicated. Clear policies communicate standardized expectations so that people know what to expect, without having to rely on a 'whisper network.'
In the 21st century, an organization’s website is essentially its digital “front door.” Websites serve as a centralized location for the public to understand critical information about an organization, so they know what to expect.
Publicly stated policies provide a way for congregants to hold church leadership accountable to its commitments.
Clarity is a crowd-sourced database of local congregations scored on how clearly they communicate their actively enforced policies. The mission of Church Clarity is to increase the standard of clarity throughout the Church Industry of church policy disclosure. The best score earned, Verified Clear, is earned by application and review. It is then published on a public database.
An Immigrant Welcoming Congregation
Be it resolved, that Friends Congregational Church UCC, College Station, TX, declares itself an “Immigrant Welcoming Congregation.”
In making this declaration, we covenant and commit ourselves to the Word of God concerning the practices of Christian hospitality, protection, and advocacy alongside and on behalf of the immigrant and refugees in our community. Together, we will continue to develop practices and programs that facilitate the respectful welcome and inclusion of immigrants into our congregation and community.
We make this covenant understanding that it is grounded in scripture and our faith. God, the Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit, calls upon all people of faith to support our immigrant sisters and brothers.
We make this covenant recognizing that the world is in the midst of a long-term refugee crisis with millions of God’s people displaced, seeking safety, security, freedom and opportunity. We also recognize many immigrants continue to fear raids, deportation and the disintegration of their families. . . . While we acknowledge the importance of our nation’s immigration laws as they relate to the safety and stability of our community, we are also deeply concerned with the integrity of families, the welfare of children and parents, and the security and protection of our sisters and brothers fleeing warfare, persecution, and state violence.
**Adopted January 6, 2019**

A Reproductive Freedom Congregation
In this sacred space, we affirm these principles:
We trust and respect women and people who can become pregnant.
We promise that people who attend our congregation will be free from stigma, shame, or judgement for their reproductive decisions, including abortion.
We believe access to comprehensive and affordable reproductive health services, including abortion, is a moral and social good.
We pledge to embody these values at all times and make our congregation an accepting space for everyone.
**Adopted January 29, 2023**