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News & Events

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Ash Wednesday Services
March 5

Ash Wednesday services with the imposition of ashes will be offered in the sanctuary on March 5 with a morning service at 7:30am, and an evening service at 6:30pm. The evening service is preceded by a supper of soup and bread starting at 5:45pm.

Ash Wednesday Soup Supper
March 5

Simple Soup Supper on March 5 beginning at 5:45 p.m. prior to Ash Wednesday Service. Signup to donate soup or bread on the buffet table in the sanctuary.

Guyz Breakfast
March 8

Guyz Breakfast brings together fellowship, fun and great food. Join us at the church on the second Saturday of the month 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Bring your favorite breakfast food or drink to share. Pancakes and coffee are provided.

Linda Coats Book Club
March 27

Linda Coats Book Club will meet on Thursday, March 27th at 6:30pm. Our book will be Run by Ann Patchett. Contact Becky Burks for more details.

FAA Ash Wednesday Breakfast
March 5

Since we are all FABULOUS AT ANY AGE, let’s get together for breakfast on Wednesday, March 5, following the 7:30 a.m. ash distribution service. Where? Coco Loco (1804 Welsh, CS). Everyone is welcome!

First Friday with Friends
March 7

First Friday with Friends is held in conjunction with Downtown Bryan’s First Friday activities. We have a meet up at Blackwater Draw and always have a few people there for the 5:30-7:30 timeframe. Some folks stay at Blackwater all evening and others stop by on their way to or from dining and playing in downtown Bryan.

Lenten Meditation
March 11, 18, & 25th

On Tuesdays during Lent, you are invited to the Friends Church sanctuary to start your morning with centering meditation. At 7:30am on Tuesdays, Mar. 11th. 18th, 25th, April 1st, 8th and 15th, we gather for a brief introduction, followed by silent meditation, and follow-up conversation as time permits. Start to finish, this lasts between 35 and 45 minutes, hopefully allowing for those of us with work, school, and other obligations to get where we need to be on time. We are excited about this series of morning meditations that will bring us together in self- and community-preparation for Easter.

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