Sunday Mornings
9:00 am & 11:00 am
Worship is the heart of what we do as a faith community. It is what sends us out to serve and what restores us when the world has diminished our spirits. As it is often said during the benediction, “Our worship has ended, and now our service begins.”
On Sunday mornings, we offer two worship services at 9am and 11am. Both services include a children’s message, sermon, congregational singing, the reading of Scripture, and prayer. On the first and third Sundays of each month, the sacrament of communion is observed and is open to all. While these services gather in person in the sanctuary, the 11am service is also live-streamed on our Facebook page, YouTube channel, and website under the “Watch Live” tab.
The 9am service provides space for contemplative worship, with the lighting of candles for intercessory prayers that we share together and time for silent meditation. The 11am is our more traditional service with music from the chancel choir and handbell choir, special music from soloists and instrumentalists, and occasionally from the children’s choir, “Joyful Noise.”
Children are welcome in our worship services. Optionally, during both services, childcare is provided for ages one to five in the preschool room located at the end of the Southside hallway.