New Visitor FAQ
When are Worship Services at Friends?
We offer worship at 9:00 am and 11:00 am in the sanctuary.
11:00 worship is live-streamed on Facebook Live, YouTube, and here on the website.
What should I wear?
Please wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable. There is no dress code at Friends, and you will find members and guests in a range of attire, from “Sunday best” to casual wear.
Where should I park?
Our parking lot is located next to the church at 2200 Southwood Dr @ Mitchell Pkwy. Overflow parking is available, if needed, along the street on Southwood or in the grass between our parking lot and Mitchell Pkwy (State Hwy right of way). Once you’ve parked, the main entrance to the church is the entrance closest to the Hwy, and the accessible entrance is located to the left of the Sanctuary entrance.
Are your services child-friendly?
Children are welcome to stay in Worship if you would prefer. Crayons and children's worship guides are available in the narthex/foyer. However childcare is available to take care of children ages 1-5 during Sunday School time and the Worship services. When you enter the church building, the childcare room and unattended Nursery are immediately to your right as you go through the sanctuary doors to the classroom/office wing, or down the hall on your right if you enter through the weekday/accessible entrance.
​During the 11:00 service, children will be welcomed to the front of the sanctuary for the "Children's Message" and then led back to the childcare room for the rest of the service. Parents/guardians can pick up children after the church service. Parents are also welcome to come get their children for Communion on 1st & 3rd Sundays.
How long does worship last?
A typical worship service at Friends ranges from one hour to one hour and fifteen minutes.
What should I expect during worship at Friends?
Our worship services typically include elements of music, prayer, reflection, scripture reading, an offering, and a sermon. We take part in communion on the first and third Sundays of each month (open to all, including children and visitors). To hear a sample of the type of sermon you might hear on any given Sunday, check out our online archive of sermons here.
Are visitors allowed to take communion?
Yes! All people, whether you have been a long time member of our congregation or are visiting for the first time, are invited to participate in communion at Friends. We observe communion by intinction, which means that we dip a piece of bread into either wine or grape juice. Gluten free options are also available for those who need them. If you choose not to participate in communion, you are still invited to receive a blessing.
Do you offer Sunday School?
We offer Sunday School for children (K through 12th grade) and adults at 10:00 am.
Do you offer the option to participate in worship online?
Yes! Currently all of our Sunday services are streamed live online at 11:00 am.

Sunday Worship:
9:00 AM and 11:00 AM
Communion offered on the first and third Sundays
Childcare available at both services
2200 Southwood Drive
College Station, TX 77845